Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Shephelah Field Trip Photogs

Just some dead royalty in the tombs of Lachish

Slinging stones in the valley of Elah! 
This was the coolest thing; we were literally in the valley where David slayed Goliath! 
(I was very focused, I wanted to beat Adam - the kid next to me wearing the Perry the Platypus shirt.  He's Professor Schade's awesome son.)

We turned into Zombies.  (We got better.)

Cal in front of the valley of Elah!

Elisha, Kenz and I in the bell caves!  So beautiful

Sunday, October 7, 2012

General Conference

I can't post anything else until I've reflected on General Conference.
(Even though I was positive I would not spot anyone in the audience, I still looked for everyone I knew in the Conference Center)

I love General Conference.  It is like a new personal oath every six months to be a little better.  I was talking with some friends here, and we were contemplating how we've grown in the past, both before and after we came to the JC.  Having learned much more about other religions, our faith in Christ and the gospel has only been strengthened.  What sets the church apart is modern-day revelation.  We have the gift of a prophet, and the apostles and leaders of the church are all inspired to lead us.

The first big thing at conference, obviously, was President Monson announcing that young men may now serve missions at age 18, young women at age 19.  We didn't hear the "audible gasp" in the Conference Center very well because we all gasped, too.  There are many girls here who were either thinking about missions before or knew they were going, just waiting another 2 years until they could.  But that statement literally changed a few lives, here.  I am so happy for the girls that have decided to go and serve.  My friend Mikele told me that she had been trying to make plans for this summer, but nothing felt right.  Then she got her answer!  The spirit was so strong when President Monson spoke.  Even though the new announcement didn't affect me very much personally, as I'm already 21, I knew that he was revealing inspired truth and instruction from the Lord.  I still can't tell you that I'm going to serve a mission, but I am so grateful that more have the option to go now.

I'm certain that announcement was hard to follow.  There were so many amazing talks and declarations from the brethren this weekend.  I know you all watched it and I don't need to summarize anything, but I received a lot of personal inspiration in hearing what they had to say.  The last few weeks, we have somehow been focusing a lot of personal growth.  Different speakers in church and our teachers have emphasized making changes and thinking of ways to improve.  Luckily, I listened.  Sometimes the inspiration I received in Conference had nothing to do with what the speaker was saying, but I felt prepared enough this time around to know that the Lord was telling me what I needed to hear.  I am grateful for the challenges my teachers and other students have given me, to make specific lists of what I need to improve upon and pray for spiritual gifts to become perfected.  I absolutely love the notion of progression, of change.  I have so much I need to change in myself, but I have hope that I can because of the Atonement.  We are not stagnant beings.  We have been given everything we need, sometimes all we need to do is use the tools we are given.  It's amazing what a simple but earnest prayer can accomplish.  The Lord is always willing to work with us.

One last thing: President Holland's talk was powerful.  That's the only way I can describe it.  I found myself literally leaning forward on the edge of my seat.  He is so close to Christ, he knows what he says is truth.  I am currently seeking to know and understand eternal truths, so this talk particularly moved me.  If you have not seen it yet, go watch it.  Then watch it again.  Then read it.

I love General Conference. (G. Con!)  It is a beautiful opportunity to sit and listen to prophets, seers, and revelators, and contemplate what Heavenly Father really wants us to hear now.  I personally heard an emphasis on service, missionary work, and families.  Funny how so many of the talks support one another, without the speakers planning to do so.


So since Turkey, despite my neglect of writing it down, I have had the opportunity to do some really amazing things.
On our field trip last week we visited Jericho!  The big stone fountain at the entrance reads "The Oldest City in the World."  Seeing these places that I have learned about my entire life still fascinate me.  They make the stories in the Old and New Testament seem so much more real and relatable.  We talk about gaining a testimony of the truthfulness of the scriptures, and I have gained one in the past necessarily without evidence, but seeing the places in person makes the stories seem so much more real.
My favorite part of the field trip was overlooking the Quruntul Monastery.  This location in the mountainous desert oversees the road to Jericho, the setting of the parable of The Good Samaritan.  Even though we know the parable was just that, a parable, Christ utilized stories that listeners at the time could understand and relate to.  Brother Schade had us each imagine the man traveling through the pass between the mountains, then left for dead.  It truly is the wilderness out there.  There is nothing but desert for miles, and the mountains flanking the road to Jericho block any sign of civilization.  I would have been hopeless.  That Monday mid-morning was hot and humid because of the recent rain, and I could only think how grateful I would have been to someone, anyone, who would show compassion on a fallen stranger.  We then, as a class, joined and sang "A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief," appropriate for the setting.  I am so grateful for the service others have provided to me in the past, I have to pass it on.  Christ views it as not only service to others, but our way of showing our love and commitment to Him.
Even more amazing to me, the peak of one of those mountains on the road to Jericho is believed to be the Mount of Temptation (Matthew 4).  The desert, despite the heat and barrenness of it all, truly looked beautiful to me.  The contrasting golden sand and rock with the clear blue sky was just breathtaking, like it was meant to be a work of art just for us to enjoy.  Brother Schade let us sit, read, and ponder the words of Matthew, encompassing the temptation that Christ faced.  We considered the JST and how that clarifies the event, and then thought about the days leading up to the Atonement and Resurrection of Christ.  Everything happened for a wise purpose, all pointing to what needed to happen.  I am still in awe at being here, where so many of the stories I cherish come to life.  I know that Christ lived, and that He still lives.  I am so blessed to be having this experience.  I still don't think it has fully hit me that I am here in Jerusalem, and I have walked where Christ walked.

The latest field trip we went on, today, was to the City of David.  This city was anciently where King David (2 Samuel) built his kingdom (duh).  It is a smaller walled town built just south of the Old City of Jerusalem.  The ruins that remain there have been turned into a park where people can visit, like a museum.  There are old walls and structures all over the place that give archeologists a pretty good idea of where everything was and what it was used for.  We sure love to see ruins.  However, the best part of the whole city is Hezekiah's tunnel.  The tunnel was built under King Hezekiah (duh) to thwart the attacking Assyrians.  This tunnel, channeling water, is carved completely out of stone from the interior of the city to the ancient outer wall.  It only takes about a half an hour (tops) to walk/wade through the whole thing.  It is small and the water gets pretty high in some areas, but it is so fun!  The water is cold and everyone is ducking and following one another, and we got to wear our headlights!  (I'll be sure to attach a picture of myself, wearing all the nerdiest, touristy things I have.)  I think I loved it most because it feels like cave-exploring, even though there is only one path the whole way through.  But I also loved it because I really feel like I'm exploring with close friends.  I'm loving the people I am with, they are such examples.  And they are just really cool people, much cooler than me.  Living in the Jerusalem Center is the best.  Ever.  If you have the opportunity, PLEASE take it.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Last few Turkey pics

More ruins!

Kenzie :)

It was an ancient gymnasium, so we obviously had to work out there

After the call to prayer

Last boat ride!

Dallin and Kassie, first engaged couple!!!

Hagia Sophia, beautiful

Last meal in Turkey!  Good thing I like fish

Me and Allison in the most touristy Turkey pic we could get

I loved Turkey; the pictures can never convey the amazing things we saw.  One thing I wish I could have captured to share: the spirit of the people!  Seriously, if you can go, GO!